Living with css-discuss
Several months ago, when I turned serious about CSS-based design and structural markup, I joined the css-discuss list. Most of the known names were there and I could learn a lot just by reading what other people said. Here and there, I responded to other people’s troubles.
It was fine until I got into a very busy period, working dozens of hours a day. Sheer amount of daily e-mails from the list, which can go from 40 to over 100 takes up at least 1-2h a day, if you really want to read and understand what is said. I just don’t have that time.
I tried several things.
Keep collecting. Read on weekends.
Worked right until the moment I realized my girlfriend was about to kill me. I worked my a*s of on working days, and read (and learned) on the weekends. You get the picture. -
Scan through, move the ones that seem useful to Good ones sub folder. Read when time permits.
Problematic when you copy just one or two e-mails in a longer thread and can’t grasp the problem at hand after 2-3 weeks. Also, I now have a folder with over 150 e-mails, just barely scratched. -
Re-edit good ones, changes subject to smth meaningful. Copy to Cleaned library folder. Delete all else.
This worked OK for a while. It still takes 20-50 mins/day, but that is bearable. Just until I had so much work that I missed 3 days of doing this and I had to work on 200 e-mails. Also, there is no way I could contribute to the list by doing this.
I can only admire people that actually have time to copy the problematic code, find a solution and post an answer. People like Mike Landis, Zoe Gillenwater, Big John & Holly Bergevin and many more I just can’t remember at the moment.
I don’t how they manage to do it, but they deserve eternal gratitude.
How do you do it?